Receitas para a Dieta Cetogénica

Referências bibliográficas

  1. Thijs R, Surges R, O’Brien T et al. Epilepsy in adults. The Lancet. 2019; 689-701 (10172) 
  2. Kwan P, Brodie MJ. Early identification of refractory epilepsy. Engl J Med. 2000; 342: 314-9. 
  3. Epilepsy Definition & Classification. Internacional Ligue Against Epilepsy. 
  4. World Health Organization, Epilepsy, 20 junho 2019, disponível em, acesso em: 15 novembro 2021 
  5. Classical & MCT Ketogenic Diets (Traditional Diets) – Matthews Friends
  6. How to Get Started With the Ketogenic Diet (
  8. WHO. Global burden of epilepsy and the need for coordinated action at the country level to address its health, social and public knowledge implications. 2015: Resolution WHA68 20.      
  9. Stephen LJ, Brodie MJ. Seizure freedom with more than one antiepileptic drug. Seizure. 2002; 11: 349-51      
  10. Brodie MJ, Barry SJ, Bamagous GA, et al. Patterns of treatment response in newly diagnosed epilepsy. Neurology. 2012; 78: 1548-54     
  11. Barborka CJ. Epilepsy in adults: results of treatment by ketogenic diet in one hundred cases. Arch. Neurol. Psychiatry. 1930; 23; 904–14.  
  12. Cervenka MC, Henry BJ, Felton EA, Patton K, Kossoff EH. Establishing an Adult Epilepsy Diet Center: Experience, efficacy and challenges. Epilepsy Behav. 2016 Apr 5; 58: 61-68 
  13. Smith M, Politzer N, MacGarvie D, McAndrews MP, Del Campo M. Efficacy and tolerability of the modified Atkins diet in adults with pharmacoresistant epilepsy: a prospective observational study. Epilepsia. 2011; 52; 775–80.
  14. Who Is Ketogenic Therapy Suitable For? – Matthews Friends
  15. Kossoff E, et al. Optimal clinical management of children receiving dietary therapies for epilepsy: Updated recommendations of the International Ketogenic Diet Study Group. Epilepsia Open, **(*):1–18, 2018
  16. Pedrón Giner C. Manual para la práctica de la dieta cetogénica. Nutricia. 2016.
  17. Manual de implementação da dieta cetogénica – Nutricia 

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